Under the Crimson Moon
Welcome to Under the Crimson Moon. A story that is probably gonna be the saddest I've ever made lol
The first part of the story follows runaway painter, Edgar Valden after he gets stuck in a bear trap in the woods and twists his ankle.
Fortunately for him, a vampire finds him and decides to take him in until he heals. However, he doesn't realize that until over a week later.

Edgar Valden, The Missing Noble Painter
Age: 19
"A painter from the village. I found him in the woods with a twisted ankle. At the start he's been nothing but afraid of me.. but he's really such a sweetheart."

Victor Grantz, The Crimson Vampire
Age: 500+
"Me! The humans think my kind is gone, but I'm still alive. They're all afraid of me, even when I refuse to hurt them."

Wick the dog
Age: Who knows
"A dog I found after I had killed a group of vampire hunters. He looked so scared when I found him.. but now I'm giving him a better life!"

The Exorcist
Age: Looks like late 30's
"I don't know who this is.. they look.. familiar. But I have yet to find out who or what they are."

Mr. Sarai
Age: Around 40's?
"Edgar's mentor! He must be really skilled and good at teaching from what Edgar can paint. But he always seems so scared to even talk about his mentor.."

Frederick Rutin, the Vampire Hunting Captain
Age: 50
"I've never seen him before.. but Edgar tells me he's very smart. Apparently he's been the leader of the vampire hunters for over thirty years... scary."
Ella Valden
Age: Missing since 11
"Edgar's missing sister.. she's probably dead by now. But she wanted to be a vampire hunter if she grew up. I wish I met her."
Joseph Desauliners, the Silver Vampire
Age: 500+
"I know him. I had a couple of run-ins with him centuries ago. He's one of the few vampires that don't cast me away immediately."

The Valden Family
"A family with a noble status. Edgar comes from this family and seems to be the only one left.. Poor thing."
Luca Balsa, the Foreign Scientist
This is a FAN STORY of the game Identity V. Please keep this in mind as you read.
This story also contains ideas inspired by other creators, such as Victor/The Embrace taking Aesop/The Exorcist in as a child before leaving him. (Idea by Hakua123456).Under the Crimson Moon is heavily inspired by Season 9 Essence 1 of Identity V. Where vampires are a common theme. As such, design elements are inspired by the costumes to pay homage to the original source.The gargoyles were created by Snakey Snakerson (An online friend) and added with his knowledge.
This story also takes inspiration from Edgar's original story, where he uses his own blood for art. If you are discomforted by this, please do not read chapters 9-11 were it is heavily implied this happens.There are also themes of psychological abuse within this story. If you are discomforted by this, please do not read.
Under the Crimson Moon is NOT directed towards an audience that aren't able to handle triggering topics. Although it is not directly shown, it is made clear this happens within the story. (IE: Chapter seventeen.)
Hello! This is a work in progress! The comics will go over things not touched on within Under the Crimson Moon or just art versions of small sections from the chapters!
Whenever a comic releases, this will be updated. Stay tuned! :)